↳ Skin Care

Chlorine-Free Skin Set

Prix régulier €36,41
Verified by yotpo

A must-have chlorine defense skincare set that includes the essentials to protect your skin from the negative effects of chlorine while hydrating and restoring its texture. They work together to gently strip pool chemicals and soothe dry and irritated skin, leaving the skin cleansed and feeling deeply hydrated, moisturized, and odor-free.

The after-swim Body Wash is our essential body wash, without any added cooling or energizing effect, which differs from our extra boost version.

✔️ Powered by PLECOTECH™
✔️ Dermatologically-tested and engineered in-house
✔️ Vegan, cruelty-free, non-GMO, ethically sourced formula

Reduces Chlorine Absorption
Eliminates Chlorine & Odors
Hydrates & Rejuvenates Dry Skin
Relieves Skin Discomfort

behind the product

Pourquoi Triharder?


Chlorine-Free Skin Set


Principaux Avantages

Reduces Chlorine Absorption

Eliminates Chlorine & Odors

Hydrates & Rejuvenates Dry Skin

Relieves Skin Discomfort

Sans SLS
Sans paraben
Approuvé par les meilleurs athlètes
Solutions pré et post-natation
#1 Choix parmi les Olympiens
Adapté à la piscine
sans danger pour les récifs
80% de plastique recyclé
Approuvé par les dermatologues
Sans SLS
Sans paraben
Approuvé par les meilleurs athlètes
Solutions pré et post-natation
#1 Choix parmi les Olympiens
Adapté à la piscine
sans danger pour les récifs
80% de plastique recyclé
Approuvé par les dermatologues


Lucy CB
AP Event
Ginny Cataldi
Sonny T.

What makes TRIHARD different?

Are TRIHARD Products Safe?

Are Your Products Suitable For All Skin And Hair Types?

Will the swim care line protect my colored or dyed hair from fading due to chlorine?

How Long Will This Product Last?

What Is The Return Policy?

We’ve got the answers to your questions


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2500+ 5 star reviews
Verified by yotpo

Kind to your hair, kind to the planet


Pourquoi Triharder?

Nous avons ressenti, nous nous sommes souciés, et nous avons agi

"En tant qu'athlètes, nous ne trouvions rien qui réponde à nos besoins, alors nous avons décidé de le faire nous-mêmes"