Todo Lo Que Necesitas Saber Sobre Los Baños De Desintoxicación Para Los Pies

Foot soak detox baths are a great way to detox your feet and release toxins from the body. It is a simple process that you can do in your own home.

However, there are some things that you need to know about foot detox baths.

In this article you are going to learn what foot detox baths are, whether they actually work, the benefits of using them, and some recipes you can try to make your own foot soak.

Let’s get started.

What is a foot detox?

Foot detox baths claim to remove toxins, impurities, cellular wastes, and heavy metals from the body.

The ionic foot detox is one of the most popular types of foot detoxes. The machine sends out a low-voltage electric current that charges water molecules, which attracts and neutralizes negatively charged toxins.

Claimed benefits of a foot detox

Some people claim that ionic foot baths give them energy for the day. According to them, you will have a stronger immune system, improved sleep, fewer aches and pains, and the ability to think more clearly.

Do foot detox baths really work?

There hasn't been enough research done on the effectiveness of foot detox baths. As a result, the majority of evidence is purely anecdotal.

A study found that the IonCleanse is not able to reduce toxin levels in the body. Researchers failed to see toxins leaving the body through the feet, liver, kidneys, or hair.

This study also dismisses earlier research for poor reporting, imprecise scientific methods, and potential conflicts of interest. Said study claimed that ionic footbath sessions decrease blood levels of aluminum and arsenic.

Having said that, while a foot detox won't remove toxins through your feet, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy a relaxing foot soak. In fact, foot baths have been shown to have quite a few benefits, it’s just that detoxing isn't one of them.

  • According to a study in the Journal of Caring Sciences, people who soak their feet at night sleep better.
  • Another study found that soaking feet twice a day improved energy levels.
  • A study published at the Gerontology of Nursing found that soaking your feet regularly can reduce stress.
  • And there is evidence that magnesium in Dead Sea salt can reduce irritation and dry skin.

Are there risks with doing a foot detox?

A foot detox shouldn't be a problem for most people. However, there are some exceptions. If you have open sores, a pacemaker, or diabetic neuropathy, you should not take foot detox baths. Pregnant women and children should also avoid them.

Foot detox recipes

There are many different kinds of recipes you can try, however, that doesn't mean all of them are right for you. Here's a list of the best recipes you can try to make a foot detox bath.

1. Trihard’s active foot soak

Trihard’s active foot soak

This soak helps to eliminate sweat and bacteria-induced odors. It will soothe and dry out blisters, relieve pain, itchiness and burns, and ease muscle aches and soreness.

To prepare your active foot soak, add 1 cup of Trihard’s Active Foot Soak to a footbath with warm water. Let it dissolve and mix it well, then soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes.

2. Epsom salt foot soak

Epsom salt

An epsom salt foot soak is effective for easing inflammation, exfoliating the skin, and relieving muscle pain.

To prepare an Epsom foot soak, add 1 cup of Epsom salts to a footbath with warm water, then mix it well until it fully dissolves. Lastly, soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes. When you are done, rinse your feet well to remove the salt from your feet.

3. Apple cider vinegar foot soak

Apple cider vinegar

An apple cider vinegar foot soak is effective at eliminating odor-causing bacteria and deodorizing your feet.

To prepare a vinegar foot soak, pour one cup of vinegar into a tub of warm water and mix it well. Then soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes.

4. Baking soda and sea salt foot soak

Baking soda and sea salt

Preparing a foot soak with a mix of baking soda and sea salt is effective for exfoliating the skin, soothing itching, and cleansing the feet.

To prepare this foot soak, place 1 cup of sea salt and 1 cup of baking soda in a warm footbath, then mix it well until it fully dissolves. Next, soak your feet in it for 20 to 30 minutes. When you are done, rinse your feet well to remove the salt from your feet.

5. Bentonite clay foot mask

Bentonite clay

This mask is effective for treating fungal infections and foot odor.

To prepare this clay mask, make a thick paste by mixing 3 tbsp of bentonite clay, 3 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 3 drops of tea tree essential oil, and 3 drops of lavender essential oil.

Then put this mixture on both feet and let it dry. After 30 minutes, wash off the paste and dry your feet with a towel.

6. Hydrogen peroxide foot soak

Hydrogen peroxide

A hydrogen peroxide foot soak is helpful for easing skin irritations and allergic reactions.

To prepare a hydrogen peroxide foot soak, mix one part hydrogen peroxide in three parts warm water and add dried ginger powder. Then soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes. When you are done, rinse your feet with freshwater and dry them with a towel.


Foot detox baths are a simple process that you can do in your own home to supposedly detox your feet and release toxins from the body.

However, a study found that a foot detox bath with an IonCleanse is not able to reduce toxin levels in the body and dismisses earlier research for poor reporting, imprecise scientific methods, and potential conflicts of interest.

Having said that, while a foot detox won't remove toxins through your feet, it doesn't mean there aren’t any benefits to doing them.

Studies have shown that people who soak their feet at night sleep better, soaking feet twice a day improves energy levels, soaking your feet regularly can reduce stress, and that magnesium in Dead Sea salt can reduce irritation and dry skin.

There are many different kinds of recipes you can try, however, that doesn't mean all of them are right for you. For example, there are active foot soaks, epsom salt soaks, apple cider vinegar soaks, baking soda and sea salt soaks, bentonite clay foot masks, hydrogen peroxide foot soaks, and many more.

In the end of the day, it’s all about choosing the one that fits your needs and lifestyle better.

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